Yoni Elviandri
Yoni Elviandri is a master's student in Tropical Biodiversity Conservation, at IPB University. Now, his research focuses on the local knowledge of Indigenous People. His research interests include heritage tourism, cultural landscape, human geography, ecotourism, ethnobiology, high conservation value, biodiversity, and forest ecology. Yoni is a travel writer, enthusiast, editor, and ghostwriter specialist for consultants, magazines, newspapers, and other companies. He is a certified book writer from Indonesian Professional Certification Authority (BNSP). He has handled aspects of the historical and cultural landscape since 2014. He is experienced in research on impact assessment and community empowerment in High Conservation Value, Social Impact Assessment, FPIC, Land Tenure Study, Participatory Mapping, Land Use Change Analysis, Social Liability, Community Development Assessment (RSPO / ISPO/FSC assessments) in several oil palm and forestry companies in Indonesia.