Aaron Tham
Aaron is a graduate from Monash University, Australia, where he earned his PhD in Management. He studied International Tourism and Hospitality Management for his master degree at Griffith University, Australia and Business Marketing for his bachelor degree at Nanyang Technological University, Australia.
His affiliations and experiences:
University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia, Lecturer
Travel and Tourism Research Association Asia Pacific Chapter, Immediate Past Vice President and Conference Chair
FHEA - Fellow of the higher Education Academy
UCSI University, Adjunct Lecturer
Australian Research Council Grant Assessor 2019-2020
Brisbane Working Group Steering Greater Brisbane’s 2033
Olympic and Paralympic event legacies, Committee
Editorial Board Member:
Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management (ABDC A journal, Scopus Q1, SSCI) and Tourism Management Perspectives (ABDC A journal, Scopus Q1, SSCI)
His research interests include hospitality, marketing and tourism