SEARA Multimedia
25 Oct 2021
For week 4, SEARA had the opportunity to listen to Noel Scott from the University of Sunshine Coast, Australia. Noel Scott is an adjunct professor with vast experience of 26 years. His lecture was on 'Tourism Theory: origins, adaption, impact and retirement'.
He elaborated on the importance of his lecture topic - how the application of theory is important as we commonly make theoretical interpretations and assumptions in research. We may be able to adopt a theory from other areas like psychology or sociology, however, there is no retirement of theory. There have been a couple of books on tourism theory. He continued to mention about three important theories which are Transdisciplinary, Theory of Dining and Theory of Events.
After the lecture by Dr. Noel, our group 4 members presented about SDG1 & SDG2. The presentation is a part of the program whereby members are divided into several groups to work on an assignment. The theme for Batch 4's assignment is Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).