Polin Choun
Polin is working for Humanity and Inclusion, formerly Handicap International (HI) for over nine years as a Local Development and Livelihood Project Officer, based in Kampong Cham Province in Social Economic Inclusion (SEI) and Local Inclusive Development Project covering the target of Kampong Cham and Tbong Khmum Province to promote people with disabilities in social inclusion.
Before working with HI, she had worked for Phnom Srey Organization for Development (PSOD) for over three years as an Orphan Vulnerable Children -Project Coordinator, based in Siem Reap Province in the Orphan and Vulnerable Children impact of mitigation affected HIV/AIDs program. Before the position, she had worked for over three-year as Project Officer with PSOD in Pro-Poor Initiatives for livelihood Improvement projects (PILI) based in Kampong Cham Province.
She worked as a Secretariat Assistant of Kampong Cham Non-government Advocacy Network Organization (K_NAN) for one year and a half which facilitated NGO members and coordination with authorities in Kampong Cham Province so that NGO members concentrated on natural resource management rights and Conflicts in Kampong Cham Province.