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Indra Khin Myo Htaik


Indra is currently studying for a Master of Hospitality and Tourism Management at Yangon University of Economics, Myanmar. Previously she also completed a Master of Arts in EFL, Diploma in English as well as Bachelor of Arts in English - all at the Yangon University of Foreign Languages, Myanmar.

Her affiliation and experiences include:
Head of Member Affairs, Southeast Asia Tourist Guides Association (SEATGA)
Teacher trainer/Secondary education specialist, Indra Educare, Professional Trainings and Education Services,
Advanced Interpretive Planning practitioner, trained by ASEAN-Japan Centre (AJC),
ASEAN National Trainer for Tour Operations (NT-469),
Certified Competency-based curriculum developer, IISD, Thailand,
CBT-TOT, by SME Trade Academy.

Her research interests include: sustainable tourism development, CBT; Community-based Tourism, Heritage Tourism, Cave Tourism, Zoo Tourism, Wine Tourism, Curriculum design, & teacher training development.

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